Design Thinking:
This has been a pressing topic for any Business Analys / Project Manager while prototyping or while advising a solution design. Design thinking is about being into customer shoes and trying to identify if the applied approach is feasible or logical in nature for en customer to use it. Also, principels of desing thinking helps to review and desing the solution is a better way which can indirectly increase acceptance ratio. According to human psychology a good design is not glamorous, it's more of easy to use for the user. Desing thinking is more over a lean process. steps to be followed for design thinking are as below: Understand/Empathize Define Ideate Prototype Refine/Test Understand: During this phase being a client advisor individual should try to understand the pain points of current system/process. Individual should build empathy for the user while performing this phase. Techniques which can be used are; Understand the audience: Try to understand the stakeh...