Adapting a Agile way of life.

There a quote by an anonymous author, "A frog in a well cannot discuss the ocean, because he is limited by the size of his well".

We all are driven by our psychological mindset. And our psychological mindset is a collection of our observations during our upbringing, this is one of the reasons why everyone behaves differently. But have you ever thought we as a human have an ability to change our mindset just by changing our perspective to things and learning new methods to achieve peace and goals in life.

Similarly, is the project and it's team members everyone has their own way's and methods of doing the task and we can never have everyone on same page from day one. So a Scrum master, Project Manager, Business Analyst role being a change managers is to drive this behavioral challenges and keep the team streamlines to project goals and to resolve any disputes amongst the team not by escalating it but just by observation and by driving them to anew direction of mindset. Like, A manager who has worked for one organization through the career cycle and a manager who has worked for multiple organizations have a different mindset and perspective of looking at challenges in organization. i.e. First type of manager when highlight or has a employee who is highlighting a challenge would say this is the right method but resource is not efficient enough to absorb the change and this is a possibility of resource being wrong as 1:10 i.e. 1 of 50 people can be such resource, as it completely depends on experience and exposure during the previous experience. Whereas, second type of manager would try to get in your shoe and analyze the challenge and guide you to right path by sharing all the risks and analysis.

We all need to learn to absorb the change, especially if you are an agile team than frequent change management is part of our cycle. i.e. first iteration helps you to understand what is the area of improvement and you keep on improving the changes such as behavioral, technical, methodical or operational challenges team faces during each sprint. If the team is not absorbing change project is prone to either fail or get delayed with financial impact on it. During my career I have learned to be agile as it's most important to absorb the change when you work as a business analyst. Agile principles have also worked on real life scenarios like we need to change with growing times and situations.

This COVID crisis have made us realize how important adapting a change is. As everyone of us is learning to be agile with current situation, and absorbing the change of current and future challenges by mitigation each part/problem one at a time. Like before this we never maintained social distance but now we do as we understand that is important to break the chain of pandemic. We started wearing masks having short circle while having a function. So moral is it's just a psychological restriction that has been holding us from going outside the well, it's out choice do we just want to be a toad who has lived all his life in one well or do we want to explore more and grow out knowledge more.

Kindly feel free to share your comments, and I can be reached on LinkedIn, if you would like to connect and explore the ocean. Kindly share if you like the article, so more individuals can explore the concept of ocean.
Thank you for investing your valuable time.


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